Over the last few years, from Chicago to Cape Town, San Diego to Santa Domingo, global Africa has been re-assessing the legacies of emancipation, de-colonisation, and the civil rights movements of the last century and a half.
In this lecture and conversation, we explore the African conception of time. So what is the African conception of time? Does it affect how Africans view the world and social relationships and therefore should it affect how we study, write, …
In this lecture and conversation, we discuss the role of the Nardal Sisters as incubators of Black culture and identity. Through examining both primary and secondary sources, we explore how their leadership contributed to the development of the theoretical framework …
In this lecture and conversation we will explore the reigns of the early Asante monarchs through the writings of the great Ghanaian historian, Carl Christian Reindorf, to discover the key principles of Asante moral and political philosophy. In the 18th …
In this lecture and conversation we explore African anthropogony, anthropology, and early oral histories to see if we can use them to reconstruct the history of Africa. African societies are the oldest in the world and as such the communities …
In this lecture, we discuss how Marcus Mosiah Garvey reimagined the theoretical framework of Pan-Africanism to see it as a political program for global repatriation and ‘Negro’ state formation. We uncover how he reimagined the structures of western imperialism for …
In this lecture and conversation, we discuss how instrumental C.L.R. James’ was in transforming Pan-Africanism from a localised practice in the diaspora to a social, political and economic movement on the continent. Through examining a selection of his texts, …
In this lecture and conversation, Dr Olukoya Ogen takes us through the historic and contemporary relationship between Africa’s three religions. Religious pluralism has long been a defining feature of African identity, nowhere more so than among the Yoruba of West …
In this lecture and conversation, educational theorist and leading Pan-African scholar, Dr John K Marah, lays out the case for the development of a Pan-African education policy. Dr Marah’s 2018 seminal work, “Pan-African Education: A Must for the African Union”, …
Apeike Umolu chairs a panel of contemporary Pan-Africanists from education and the media to discuss the continued relevance of Pan-Africanism. Hosted by The Africa Centre, London, the panel also addressed how the Centre can continue to play a part in …