How the study of African traditional religion can lead to professional growth ‘Religion is a way of life; it relates to culture and society as they affect the worldview of the African people’, says Professor Jacob Olupona, theologian of African …
Table of Contents African Religion is an important area of study for the historian of pan-African political thought. The transformation of traditional religions in the diaspora, their latency in contemporary African-Christian liturgy and theology, and the revitalisation of the study …
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Over the last few years, from Chicago to Cape Town, San Diego to Santa Domingo, global Africa has been re-assessing the legacies of emancipation, de-colonisation, and the civil rights movements of the last century and a half.
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In this lecture and conversation, we explore the African conception of time. So what is the African conception of time? Does it affect how Africans view the world and social relationships and therefore should it affect how we study, write, …
In this lecture and conversation, we discuss the role of the Nardal Sisters as incubators of Black culture and identity. Through examining both primary and secondary sources, we explore how their leadership contributed to the development of the theoretical framework …